I had been experiencing larger gum pockets and had already undergone expensive gum disease treatment at the dentist a couple of years ago, but the problem had returned recently. When the dentist recommended a toothpaste with high fluoride content, I researched and found it to be an unsafe ingredient. I then remembered chlorine dioxide and decided to try it again. I used chlorine dioxide as toothpaste once a day for a month and swished it as a mouthwash. I was surprised to find that it foamed up while brushing. The next day, my gums were already pinker and the fuzzy feeling in my teeth was gone. I continued using it and went back to the dentist about 4 to 5 weeks later. The hygienist was surprised to find that there was major healing and improvement in the pocket measurements of every tooth. I also found that there are a few toothpaste brands with active ingredient, chlorine dioxide, such as Dioxibrite and Closys.
My one-year-old daughter was also teething and had been feverish for several days, which was making her miserable. After consulting her pediatrician and finding out there was nothing they could do but wait it out, I decided to give her 1/4 of a drop of chlorine dioxide. The fever was drastically reduced the next day and completely gone the day after that.