Cancer and Death as a Result of the FDAs Betrayal Jim Humble

The government statistics agency has provided the causes of death in their statistics, giving 699,697 for heart disease and 553,251 a year for cancer. They do not mention one single death caused by medical prescription drugs and their statistical research shows none. When a person with cancer dies from being given the wrong drug, the government simply reports it as a cancer death. The drug death is included in the report, but not in the government statistics.

Gary Null PhD who researched much of the report “Death by Medicine” was able to dig out the true statistics because the data is available and it cannot be suppressed. Refer to the references given at the end of this chapter. The people in the USA are spending billions of dollars on medical treatments and we could have the best medical treatment on the planet, but it has not even come close.

Death as a Result of the FDA’s Betrayal

It can now be shown to any researcher that every person in America is in some way personally touched by suffering and death as a result of the FDA’s betrayal of the American people. But worse than that every person in the world is to some extent affected by the suppression of data for the cure of many different diseases. The indifference results mostly from realizing that one can really do nothing to change the status quo. But now that can be changed simply by everyone informing his relatives, friends and neighbors of this book.


Billions and billions of dollars have been spent on the search for a cure for cancer by using the present theory of cancer. For more than a hundred years there have been two basic theories of cancer. The other theory has been suppressed. Lives have been destroyed, people have been jailed and sent to prison, and books have been burned. Every conceivable disgusting thing that can be done has been done to prevent the second theory of cancer from ever coming to scientific light or becoming known to the public. Funny things, all of the demonstrated cures of cancer have been based on the second theory, or similar concepts. More than two dozen or more of those cures have each had more than one thousand documented cases of complete cures from cancer, some of them more than 10,000 documented cures and several more than 100,000 cases recorded.

So let me tell you in a few nontechnical sentences the difference between the two different theories of cancer.

Cancer Theory 1

The present theory of cancer is that healthy body cells for some unknown reason mutate into cancerous cells. The general idea is that the unknown reason is aging, poor diet, heredity, a bad condition that slowly mutates into cancer, or something along those lines. Using this theory, billions of dollars have been spent on research and millions of men, women and children have suffered and died for more than 100 years while no significant improvement in cancer treatment has happened. That’s 100 years without an answer or even a real improvement. Of course there are a lot of scientists that would like to argue against that.

There was what they call a great improvement in the chemotherapy chemicals in about 1948 but there is still more people dying of cancer than ever. There is no indication that chemotherapy increases one’s chances of living.

Does that seem like a poor picture to you? The same treatment for over 100 years and no real change in the treatment for more than 100 years and they still use it and research it, and still a higher percentage are dying of cancer than ever before.

Cancer Theory 2

The second theory which is the unaccepted theory of cancer is that cancer is caused by a very unusual virus that changes its size and shape from a virus to a bacterium and back to a virus again. There are a lot of technical terms I am missing, but that’s the basic concept. This second theory is called pleomorphism. Research into this theory is not allowed. You may say, “I thought America was a free country.” Well, that’s so, but not to those who want to do research into this particular theory of cancer. No money is available for such research, and those who try hit a blank wall. Nobody cooperates with them. Their colleagues won’t talk to them anymore. The FDA, FTC and the AMA put every possible stop in their way that they can find. Let me say again, all the suppressed cures that have worked have been based on this very unusual virus theory or similar concepts.

Please, please, please, don’t believe me. Go to the Internet and dig deep enough to find the facts. The facts are there, and when you have facts, you can prove them. There is always proof somewhere there, often hidden but recoverable. We need millions of more people who know the facts. They don’t have to be technical; they just need to know what is really going on. So let me tell you one book to read to get you started. It’s The Cancer Cure that Worked by Barry Lynes and John Crane. They give references and tell where you can go to get the actual records.

Inespensive Cancer Test

Here is something your doctor will never tell you, there has been a medical test for cancer that is 99% effective for more than 25 years. It is more effective, less dangerous and cheaper than all other medical cancer tests.  It’s called AMAS cancer test. You don’t have to go to a doctor;  the test is available on the Internet. The cost is $165. The kit is free, you take a smear of your own blood and send it in and pay when the results are ready. The test is for specific cancer antibodies that will be present. Go to I have no financial interest whatsoever.

The fact is that the MMS is a super preventative for almost any disease known. It’s my opinion, after observing hundreds of people taking MMS; it will prevent most cancer, including breast cancer. But not just cancer, any disease that the immune system can attack can be prevented or aided in prevention by supercharging the immune system with MMS.

The preceding was excerpted from The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Part 2 by Jim Humble.


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