So here is a new look at diseases. People who are sick and in pain are often told that they are imagining it, or that they need it for some reason, or that it is a condition brought on by their genes or inherited. They often spend thousands of dollars for psychiatric help and are often even convinced that they are really making it up. Or their mother didn’t love them or some such thing. However, in almost every case, pain that was supposed to be made up mentally was often gone in an hour or two or three or several weeks, after they began taking MMS.
You may not believe it, but the FDA in the United States has been suppressing all real cancer cures, and information concerning how vitamins prevent heart attacks and all other information or products that may in any way reduce the income of the large pharmaceutical medical drug companies (Big PHARMA).
Please don’t take my word for it; become informed. Read the information available on the Internet. Just go to any search engine and put in “FDA Suppression.” There is voluminous documentation, starting back in the 1930’s. They often put authors in jail and told them that they will withdraw the accusations if the author would withdraw his claims. Once the author has lost all of his money and is tired of fighting, he gives up. There are hundreds of medical facts that are suppressed right now that would save thousands of lives around the world. There are many records of people who have died under very questionable conditions when they have tried to inform the people. Please don’t write this off as a bunch of crazy conspiracy nuts. The MMS is one more medical fact that they will try to suppress. Try it and know that it works. Your life and the lives of thousands, even millions, are at stake. Isn’t that important enough to at least try it once on someone, or on you? Spend a couple of hours researching this issue. The facts are there.
no such thing as an incurable disease
It is my suggestion that we have turned the corner into a new age where there is no such thing as an incurable disease. The death knoll for the drug companies has already been rung. Medical doctors will be needed to set bones, improve breasts, do plastic surgery, and various other physical body related things. Natural Alternative Specialists will work mainly with nutrition to improve health, but they will be little concerned with overcoming diseases. Imagine for a minute, if you will, a world populated with healthy people, where there is extremely little disease. It can be a reality in your lifetime if you pitch in and help a little. Hundreds of millions of dollars of research are needed for research with MMS, but we are closing in on it.
Many people are already very successfully with treating their selves. Just see that this book gets out to as many people as you can, and see that as many people get and try a bottle of MMS as possible. If the person next door cannot afford a bottle, well buy him one yourself. Do your part and we will arrive. That is all that the world needs at this point is a bit of help from you, the reader of this book. The world may never meet you, but it won’t happen without your help, and the day will come that you will know that you really helped. You will know that you did your part to stop the drug companies and help those less fortunate overcome their diseases.
There are many new diseases out there. These diseases are not natural diseases. There are dozens if not hundreds of new diseases. All of the natural diseases like flu, TB, pneumonia, diabetes, malaria and the others, MMS handles in a very short time. The recently created diseases are much harder to handle as they seem to have a certain ability to hide in the body when antibodies or oxidation chemicals are present. All these new diseases are traceable back to laboratories of the Government. None came from monkeys. Our leaders refuse to do anything to stop it when informed.
“modern medicine has killed and is killing more people than all the wars put together”
There is no way that I can tell you the whole story in a few paragraphs. There is mercury in vaccinations, chemotherapy simply kills people nothing more, foods are poisoned with Aspartame, modern medicine has killed and is killing more people than all the wars put together, and the America public isn’t as dumb as some people think. More than 55% of the public has quit going to their family medical doctor and has opted for alternate medical techniques. There must be a reason for that. People don’t just quit going to someone who is keeping them well.
Millions and millions of people are sick from diseases that the government doesn’t even recognize. Morgellons disease is only one of a series of terrible diseases that millions now have that the government doesn’t recognize. Lyme has been a disease not recognized by medicine and only now by a few doctors, yet millions have the Lyme disease in the world. There are dozens of others. The World Health Organization (WHO) refuse to go any further than one doctor even after they were told of 75,000 victims cured of malaria. Their doctor claimed he tested it, but that makes no sense. He was in Switzerland. No malaria there. People are well in 4 hours. Testing can be done in one day. Yet it took him a year and a half to get around to testing it, and then after 3 days he said it wouldn’t work. Once a doctor understands the chemical formula of MMS, he usually will agree that it has merit. It is so obvious that few doctors have to even test it before agreeing that at least it should work.
There are those who want to kill the human race.
For you religious Christian people, be aware, the Bible tells that in the last days the Earth will be deluged with disease and sickness. I don’t believe in the Bible as religious people do, but there are some things there that make one think. Lyme disease comes from many other places than just ticks. You can get it from sex, from eating certain meat, even from certain supplies of water. There are those who want to kill the human race. They have been working at it for a lot longer than you would believe if I told you. It’s not an easy job, killing the human race, but they have been at it for a god-awful long time. I’m here, right now, watching it every day.
No one is sure where Morgellons disease comes from, but hundreds of thousands of people have it, probably millions. There are those who think that it traces to the chem trails in the sky. But we don’t know. Millions and millions of dollars are being spent on those chem trails. I know, if you are normal, you are going to tell me those chem trails are just commercial airplanes flying by, and the Morgellons disease is nothing more than psychological, and the Lyme disease is cured by the family doctor. And then you will tell me that the reason that we have not improved in the treatment of cancer for over 100 years is because all of the research has found nothing better than surgery and the poison of chemo or radiation. And if you tell me that then it will never have occurred to you that science should have an answer.
About the chem Trails in the sky: Friends of mine have been in an airplane in the sky right next to a cargo plane that was dumping thousands of pounds of powdered chemicals out the rear. Don’t tell me they don’t exist, because they do. Too many people have seen the evidence.
Then, of course, there is AIDS and the millions of people dying from AIDS. Did you know that in the US, more people died for hepatitis C than AIDS? And many die from AIDS. The point is the public trustingly goes on dying like flies with it never occurring to the majority that anything is wrong. There are dozens of diseases that you have never heard of and I only hear of now and then, but thousands are either killed by them or disabled by them. Many call me in terrible pain or suffering asking if MMS will help or if I know a way to use MMS more effectively. It breaks my heart every time. We should have a hundred million dollars to work with this to find the answers. But we have nothing, still we are getting more data each day and I believe we will have the answers to all of these government generated diseases within a reasonable time, hopefully less than a year. You can help, just keep telling people and getting them to buy this book. Thanks for your support.
The preceding was excerpted from Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Part 1 by Jim Humble.