Though the FDA still warns about how dangerous it is to drink a few drops of chlorine dioxide for health-related reasons and continues to hold a family in jail for allegedly promoting the use of chlorine dioxide to potentially ward off the effects of COVID-19, an approved scientific study concluded that chlorine was likely viable for treating COVID-19 and encouraged the financing of further studies to support the preliminary conclusion, that, “Chlorine dioxide is effective in the treatment of COVID-19.” *

So, maybe Jim Humble wasn’t as crazy as the media was persuaded to think he was back in the day, now that many patents have been applied for and many more are still pending all based on chlorine dioxide uses in humans, many like those noted in Humble’s book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.
Chlorine Dioxide Effects
The chlorine dioxide effects as they are represented in Jim Humble’s book may be overstated, as nowadays, he is more in line with his daughter’s summation, that “chlorine dioxide doesn’t heal anything.” Even though hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people, claim to have received miraculous healing and have been cured of incurable diseases by taking chlorine dioxide.
The effects of chlorine dioxide are limited to what it does best to destroy toxins and pathogens just as well from inside the body as on the outside of the body. That is all.
The interesting thing is, according to author Paris Humble, the daughter of Jim Humble, that once the body is clear of these biological blockers of all kinds, the body is free to go about healing itself once the immune system has gained enough prowess to do so.
Chlorine Dioxide Drinking Water Treatment
Chlorine dioxide drinking water treatment appears to be the only effective way for a normal person to have access to MMS-grade chlorine dioxide. Normally, it is available in two formats, a one-two part solution that you mix on-site for purifying water, and a one-bottle solution that is more costly to obtain but is reported to create a better tasting purified water for drinking as opposed to the DIY mix-it-yourself two-part solution.
The one bottle is called Chlorine Dioxide Solution, or CDS 3000, where the 3000 represents the 3,000 parts per million concentration of chlorine dioxide in water (H2O). This is created via the distillation process. Whereas the one-bottle CDS may last a few weeks, the mix-as-you-go two-bottle pack is more likely a 6-month or more supply, as you are only using a drop or more at a time.
Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection Systems
For many years CDS has been used in chlorine dioxide disinfection systems used industrially throughout the world based on its outstanding reputation for being the most effective bactericide on the planet.
In fact, The American Society of Analytical Chemists stated that “Chlorine Dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man,” 20 years ago, and it has been in use regularly since then.
So, You Want to Give MMS a Go
Be advised that the FDA warns against drinking chlorine dioxide, and so do we. Drinking chlorine dioxide may be dangerous, but if you want to try it for yourself, you are best advised by adhering to the Humbles’ approach. That is to mix a drop of chlorine dioxide into a glass of water and try that first. At the very least, you will be drinking water that is purified from contaminants that may be present in your drinking water.
Jim Humble’s Recipe
One should follow Jim Humble’s recipe if the intention is to have the mixture benefit the inside of the body. You will want to start with purified or distilled water to mix your chlorine dioxide with. Mr. Humble refers to chlorine dioxide as MMS, as you see in the title of his book.
Jim Humble suggests mixing the sodium chlorite with the activator every time you intend to use it, though you could mix several drops into a liter or two of water and sip on it throughout the day, if you like, providing the container is not metal, is well-sealed in between uses, and is not exposed to sunlight.
Otherwise, the mixed drops should not be saved for later use as they tend to lose efficacy over time. CDS 3000 on the other hand can be stored in the refrigerator after opening provided it is well-sealed for up to three to four weeks.
MMS Discovered Accidentally
Interestingly enough, Jim Humble discovered the potential health benefits by seeing dying malaria patients come back to full health following the use of a chlorine dioxide water purifier in about four hours. This was while he was on a mission out of the country. Curious about the reaction, Humble returned to the USA and began to research the healing properties of this water purifier, while his daughter, Paris, watched.
Using volunteers, the Humbles witnessed many health recoveries from a variety of infectious diseases including dengue, herpes, AIDs, dementia, influenza, and other antibiotic-resistant diseases. Jim started his own mission to share his findings with the world, and this simple water purifier found its way into the suitcases, first aid kits, and medicine cabinets of millions of people due to its ability to destroy a variety of infectious organisms while neutralizing toxins.
Paris Humble
Daughter, Paris Humble, releases her book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, and while she still honors her father’s references to chlorine dioxide as MMS, since that’s the way she remembers it, she sticks to the more common chemical designation of “chlorine dioxide,” as recognizable in her book’s title.
Since father, Jim Humble’s book was released in 2006, Paris’ 2022 book is considered the latest update.
* The study was registered and accepted in on April 7, 2020 (NCT 04343742) and falls within the studies categorized as ECE (quasi-experimental studies) by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information).