Read on to discover why heart attacks are not related to cholesterol and clogged arteries and how you can prevent heart attacks. The first thing you should know is that most of the FDA experts are also on the payroll of pharmaceutical companies. You would think that would be against public policy. But no, it seems that they have the right to moonlight just like anyone else, even if it is counterproductive.
Should you want the facts on this, read the book Deadly Medicine by Thomas Moore.
Secondly, in 1992 the FDA started a public campaign to deny the America people the right to purchase vitamins without going to a doctor and obtaining a prescription. They spent millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money pushing this cause, but it didn’t work. Worse than that, it backfired against them. Not just thousands but millions of American people arose up against this attack on our liberty and wrote their congressmen. In August of 1994 congresses fixed their wagon on this score attempting to do it permanently, but that evidently wasn’t possible. A law was passed unanimously by both houses and signed into law by the president. Did you see that? Unanimously. That’s what the America people can do if they really try. (All of this is now a matter of public records).
The law was called DSHEA (The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994). This law attempts to guarantee the American people free access to vitamins and other essential nutrients and to the educational data concerning these nutrients. The reason why the educational data was included is that the pharmaceutical companies had been campaigning to prevent any and all claims of health benefits concerning vitamins from being published. Do you see? They would have even prevented books from being printed telling us about vitamins. They spent not just millions but billions on this idea. Now we have a law to protect us. The Constitution should have been enough, but we need all the help we can get.

But that still wasn’t enough. The pharmaceutical companies banded together to form a cartel at the international level. They started a worldwide campaign to ban all data concerning the health benefits of vitamins and minerals and other natural substances from being distributed anywhere in the world. They approached the world through the United Nations Food Standards Commission. They thought that they could force the industrial nations and the world to accept vitamins as prescription medicine. Disguised as a consumer protection initiative, this concept was to be recommended to the UN General Assembly. There were to be trade sanctions on any countries that refused to accept vitamins as prescription medicine.

That was the year of 1997. The main actor in this pharmaceutical vitamin cartel was the German government. Germany exports more pharmaceutical products than any other nation. They might have succeeded except for one doctor, Matthias Rath, M. D. On June 22, 1997, he gave a speech to an audience in Chemnitz, Germany. He exposed the cartel and their intentions in that speech and connected them to the pharmaceutical companies who were profiteers of World War II and even the Holocaust. As a result of this speech and several other speeches and hundreds of thousands of protest letters, the idea was so controversial by the time it was to be presented to the UN General Assembly that they did not succeed.
Largest Illegal Cartel Ever Uncovered ~ U.S. Justice Department
Even bigger than that, May 20, 1999 these multinational pharmaceutical companies admitted to forming a “Vitamin-Cartel” to fix the prices of raw vitamins and materials. They defrauded hundreds of millions of people worldwide of more than 100 billion dollars. They were fined about one billion dollars. The U.S. Justice Department declared that they were the largest illegal cartel ever uncovered. This tiny fine in reference to the total amount they bilked from the people of the world was inconsequential.
Are you starting to see? The pharmaceutical companies have no conscience. They will do anything to prevent a loss of money or to make money. They care not how many deaths that they cause. The pharmaceutical companies through the FDA have suppressed dozens of discoveries concerning cures for cancer, heart disease and many other diseases for more than 50 years. I know that you probably think that is crazy, but so would you think that about the above information if it were not so much a part of the record. There is nothing that I have said above that can be disputed. It’s all a matter of record. It all happened just as stated above and can be investigated by any high school student and proven to be facts. The proof of the suppression of the discoveries of cures for cancer and other diseases are slightly more covered up at this time, but still quite provable. The FDA has depended upon the incredibility of what they have done and the indifference of the public to maintain their farce.
Here is one more thing that the FDA really doesn’t want you to know. Heart attacks have nothing to do with cholesterol levels in your blood. The AMA and other medical research-oriented groups have not produced a single study that proves that people with high levels of cholesterol have more heart attacks than those with low levels. They have proved, however, that they can sell billions of dollars of cholesterol lowering drugs. Dr. Matthias Rath has shown that the basis of heart attacks is vitamin deficiency, mainly vitamin C. Get his book, Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks … But People Do. Believe me. He has proven it. Vitamins prevent heart attacks, not cholesterol lowering drugs.
Dr. Matthias Rath points out that there are several thousand miles of blood veins in your body. Those don’t clog up and cause problems. If cholesterol in the blood was causing problems, it would cause problems throughout the body. Only the ten inches of veins right at the heart are affected by cholesterol. Now why would that be? It’s because those veins at the heart are smashed flat at every heart pump, like 70 or 80 times a minute, millions of times a year. They fail not because they are clogged, but because the walls of the veins cannot take being flattened so many times, and they crack. Vitamin C is what causes the walls of blood vessels to be strong. Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency, and heart attack is part of the same problem. The deposit on the walls of those particular veins is only to increase the strength and prevent the veins from being totally flattened and not for the purpose of clogging the veins. When the vein cracks it stays flat instead of opening again and that is what is causing heart attacks. Vitamin C is what prevents heart attacks. Read Dr. Rath’s books, and be sure to buy some vitamin C. The pharmaceutical companies definitely don’t want you to read his books, because you won’t buy their cholesterol drugs.
Cholesterol is the body’s response to a deficiency of vitamin C. The body seeks to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and prevent them from cracking by depositing the cholesterol.

I should mention that Dr. Rath worked with Dr. Linus Pauling for many years. Dr. Linus Pauling agreed with Dr. Rath’s findings and they worked together to further verify and understand the use of vitamins in the body. Dr. Linus Pauling was the only man in history to receive two unshared Nobel prizes in the medical field. His agreement and help with these findings adds a great deal of credence to them.
Modern medicine insists on treating the symptoms and refuses to find the cause, because if they find the cause they will cure the problem. If they cure the problem, they will not be able to continue selling drugs. It’s sorry, but the fact is that it is all based on money.
How was the truth covered over so easily? There are two reasons. Both were greed.
Scientists & Pharmaceutical Companies
There were scientists who did not want their theories of cancer and other diseases questioned and there were the pharmaceutical companies who did not want their incomes decreased. Billions of dollars can exert huge amounts of pressure. The medical laws of this country have been shaped by the pharmaceutical companies. They have spent billions of dollars with at least two lawyers in Washington, D.C. for each representative and each senator. It all boils down to money, but the criminality of it is beyond belief. Millions suffer and die so that they can make money, and there was another reason. Many of the medical scientists were pushing their own favorite concepts that made them well known and they were mostly in with the pharmaceutical companies. That also boils down to money.
Hundreds of very important industries exist in the United States that do not spend billions of dollars influence Congress on making laws. There is no acceptable reason for the drug companies to be spending that huge amount of money to influence congress, but they do.
You can check my accuracy in these statements by going on the Internet and reading some of the thousands of documents that are available.
The preceding is an excerpt from The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Part 2 by Jim Humble.