The Most effective Method of mixing the Water Purification Drops
We have learned from Jim Humble that if you have Candida or simply cannot tolerate vinegar when mixing your water purification Drops, citric acid works well. Below are his instructions for using citric acid.
Obtain citric acid in powder form as citric acid crystals. Some health food stores carry them, or you can order them from a pharmacy or supplier on line.
To make a 10% solution of citric acid: Put one level tablespoon full of crystals in a clean glass or jar. Then add 9 level tablespoons full of purified water into the same jar. When the crystals have dissolved, this is a 10% solution. In all cases when using the citric acid as an activator, use 5 drops for each 1 drop of water purification Drops –MMS. Do everything else the same. Wait 3 minutes after mixing, add juice and drink.
When using the citric acid as an activator, be sure to keep in mind all of the other instructions concerning taking the water purification Drops — MMS. Start with taking 1 drop of water purification Drops –MMS and 5 drops of citric acid and then work up to greater amounts.