How to Remove Mold and Fungus

The mold and fungus removal process targets mold and/or fungi deep inside your biology, acting as a protective barrier, shielding the pathogens inside you from being affected by chlorine dioxide or MMS.

Regardless of what climate you are in, you can be exposed to a wide variety of molds, some of which can attach themselves to your body either internally or externally and make you very ill or come and go without you even realizing it. A mold can hibernate inside you for a lifetime undetected and cause havoc with your body without anyone realizing it.

Mold is a type of fungus, and some are able to withstand chlorine dioxide, while others aren’t. Bentonite clay or Pascalite brand calcium‐bentonite clay has proven an effective means of demolishing and expelling mold and/or fungus quickly and conveniently. Thus, it has become a traditional bridge material in chlorine dioxide used for health to prevent any fungal problems that might obstruct your body’s capacity for optimizing the advantages of chlorine dioxide.

Tests for Chlorine Dioxide Fungus

There are three tests, which when performed are clear indicators that you may have (possibly otherwise undetected) issues with mold or fungus. It might surprise you that most, if not all, people have undetected mold and/or fungus throughout their bodies inhibiting their health.

Test for Chlorine Dioxide Skin Fungus

A negative reaction to a diluted chlorine dioxide solution sprayed on the body, such as itching, burning, or some other painful reaction, indicates there is mold or fungus in your skin layers.

Oral Fungus Test with Chlorine Dioxide

If chlorine dioxide is taken orally and pain or burning sensations are felt in the mouth area, rinse the mouth with cool, clean water to minimize the reaction, which indicates fungal issues in the mouth.

Internal Fungus Test with Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide ingested in combination with stomach pain, heartburn, or other internal pain is likely a sign that the fungus is alive and well.

There are several names for bentonite clay, including Pascalite Bentonite Clay (the choice of many MMS users), Montmorillonite clay, or Aztec clay. The Montmorillonite brand from Wyoming is my personal favorite montmorillonite clay. Native Americans have used it for centuries.

Clay has been used for 1000s of years without ill effects, and as we and many others have found, it is a valuable tool in the chlorine dioxide/MMS solution. Therefore, we have included its use in the chlorine dioxide toolkit in the following system.

Internal Mold/Fungus Removal

You should not attempt or complete chlorine dioxide removal of mold or fungus before attempting and/or completing How to Start Using Chlorine Dioxide for Health. As part of the chlorine dioxide continuum, chlorine dioxide is not intended to eliminate mold or fungus from someone’s biological system as a stand-alone treatment.

The Mold/Fungus Removal Process begins after day four of the start of using chlorine dioxide for health.

You will need to insert chlorine dioxide or MMS in this phase if you are visiting the mold/fungus removal process from some other regimen of chlorine dioxide use. Take note of how many drops of chlorine dioxide or MMS you are taking in your current regimen.

The Mold/Fungus Removal Process

As you begin the Mold/Fungus Removal Process, reduce your chlorine dioxide or MMS consumption, but be aware of which level you left off at, so that you can pick up where you left off.

Preparation and Use of Clay

On the first day, Stir a one-half level teaspoon of clay into one-half cup of water while stirring. Drink while still swirling from the stirring action, because clay settles quickly. Swishing in the mouth before swallowing is also a good idea.

On the first day, every two hours, you will take a one-half level teaspoon of clay five times at two-hour intervals throughout the day.

On the second day, one hour after the first one-half level teaspoon of clay, take a serving of the same number of drops of chlorine dioxide or MMS as you did before starting the internal mold/fungus removal program.

For the remaining alternating hours take one level teaspoon of clay to one-half cup of water every other hour, and one serving of chlorine dioxide or MMS the next alternating hour for the remaining four hours of day two.

On the third day, continue taking a one-level teaspoon of clay and one serving of chlorine dioxide or MMS on alternating hours.

On the fourth and final day, continue to take chlorine dioxide and MMS every hour and one tablespoon mixed with the chlorine dioxide every other hour, alternating the clay every other hour over the eight-hour day.

Surface Skin Treatment to Remove Mold and Fungus

Mix equal parts of bentonite clay with your choice of olive oil, coconut oil, or Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. Smooth a layer of the mixture over the affected area and wrap it with a gauze bandage. Allow working for four hours.

Wash and replace the mixture and new gauze bandage every four hours until the fungus issue is resolved.

Avoid using fragrance-scented soaps for washing in between dressings as they may complicate your problem-solving efforts. My favorite is Miracle II Soap, with no fragrance or soap residue.



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1 Comment

  1. Maybe I’m missing something somewhere…please correct me/advice me.
    In looking @ the 3 tests to be performed … I came across the skin test which says: Test for Chlorine Dioxide Skin Fungus

    A negative reaction to a diluted chlorine dioxide solution sprayed on the body, such as itching, burning, or some other painful reaction, indicates there is mold or fungus in your skin layers.
    So my Q is: How do I prepare a (diluted)solution to perform such a test?
    What Items do I need?
    How much is diluted/how diluted has to be?
    I do not have any issues in any part of my skin!
    Do I have to have a rash or wound?
    It is a bit confusing because the page mentions 2 items in one page.
    1st about the Bentonite Clay & immediately about Chlorine Dioxide.
    Nothing wrong with that but it looked like a curbed ball!
    Simple Q requires a simple answer for a dummy like me!
    So much wonderful & valuable information & w/out you guys this world would be a mess. Loaded with dummies like me looking for the best solutions sometime so complicated but yet so simple once you get the right formula(s)
    Thank ‘ya!

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