Jim Humble started his research into the health benefits of chlorine dioxide in 1996. His research was based on a water purifier used in the field to save the lives of people dying of malaria in the wilderness. As he continued to investigate the CDS substance he referred to it as MMS or Master Mineral Solution.

Purchase Chlorine Dioxide
It is impossible to find MMS for sale and it can be difficult to purchase chlorine dioxide as it is not likely to be found at your local convenience store, or even the hardware store. Some reported to have found chlorine dioxide in the proper two-part dilutions at pool supply and extreme outdoorsmen-type stores. Otherwise, searching online for two-part chlorine dioxide water purification drops will probably end you up in the right ballpark.
Why Water Treatment Drops?
Why water treatment drops? Because the use of chlorine dioxide in water treatment is protected by FDA patent number #US5965004A for safely disinfecting municipal water for drinking. It is not available as a health supplement or otherwise approved for human consumption, though it has been readily available as water purification out in the field, when access to clean drinking water is unavailable.
In fact, that is how Jim Humble, author of The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium discovered it.
Paris Humble, author of, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration (2022), recalls the days when her father, Jim Humble and Andreas Kalcker were working together on how to work with MMS and animals.
The Story of Jim Humble’s MMS Discovery
Andreas Kalcker recites Jim Humble’s story as, “Jim Humble, an engineer who worked in gold prospecting and who by chance seems to have found a cure for one of the world’s worst infectious diseases, malaria.
“While prospecting for gold in the Guiana jungle and approximately 400 miles from any hospital and in the middle of the jungle, his team fell ill with malaria. Not having foreseen this possibility, they did not carry medications that could relieve them. The only thing Jim Humble had was a drinking water disinfectant called stabilized oxygen which is sodium chlorite (NaClO2). In the end, he decided to give a few drops to his people, who had a fever of over 40 ° C and were delirious in the midst of a malaria attack. His surprise was that after four hours, Jim found everyone gathered around the fire recovered from one of the worst infectious diseases in the world, as if nothing had happened. Shortly after, he fell ill with malaria and the MMS also worked.
“We share a great friendship and the fact of investigating, each in his own way, about chlorine dioxide, in a very deep way for many years.
“Thanks to its discovery I was cured of Arthritis and it was the basis for the development of the CDS which is a version of the pure gas without contaminants like chlorite that cause unwanted side reactions.” https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2.html
The Universal Antidote
There is a free documentary that you can watch online often sought for as chlorine dioxide universal antidote. The documentary claims to disclose the science and story of chlorine dioxide. According to research, NASA proclaimed that chlorine dioxide was considered a universal antidote in 1987. They go on to report that since that time, thousands have recovered from illness using this substance, and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications.
The documentary explores the history, safety, and efficacy of the universal antidote and provides interviews with physicians and people who have used it. You can watch The Universal Antidote online at: https://theuniversalantidote.com
Both Paris Humble and Andreas Kalcker are fond of the CDS version of chloride dioxide solution over the Part 1 and Part 2 mix of MMS. CDS 3000 is the pre-mixed 3,000 parts per million (CDS 3000 PPM) that is manufactured via distillation process. Reportedly it tastes better and has (little or) no side effects.
The recent “no virus challenge” was initiated as a result of the hypothesis that ‘viruses’ are infectious pathogens and cause diseases like Malaria and ‘COVID’ Prior to the allopathic medical/pharma-backed “germ theory” industry takeover of medicine, there were doctors writing about imbalances in salts (Dr George Carey). Anyone in the last century identifying biochemical root causes was attacked, censored (Dr Carey Reams, RBTI).