I learned a lot about chlorine dioxide from my father and after I ventured out on my own as a Health Coach, I continued to study chlorine dioxide which he nicknamed MMS (short for Miracle Mineral Solution). I also learned a great deal about how the world works behind the scenes to keep people from thinking about non-pharmacological health alternatives that have been used for a hundred years with great success at any cost.
I have seen my dad so excited to share the results of his research and experiments. I’ve seen thousands of people so grateful for receiving a new lease on life. These were people with chronic incurable diseases that were killing them, and the medical doctors could offer little or no hope for a higher quality of life. In some cases, doctors could provide prescriptions for medications that could make life a little more tolerable until they died. That is all.
Unfortunately, my dad believed and quoted them when they told him that MMS cured them of their uncurable deadly diseases. When these people went to their doctors, the doctors said one of two things, either their disease was misdiagnosed, and a few of them said it could have been a spontaneous remission (or miracle) and noted that though it is very rare, it happens. They verified that the patients were no longer testing positive for the disease as X-rays and labs were coming up clean, and not one of them would give credit to MMS for curing anything.
You might think of this as just random results, but when my dad received the same reports from every individual, that makes you believe you’re really onto something of huge significance. That’s 100%, not freak accidents, not random.
I think anyone, even you, would be enthusiastic about getting the word out if you’d discovered something simple and inexpensive that could help sick and dying people feel hopeful, happy, and excited about living long happy lives. Anyone would. It certainly changed everything I knew about the world.
I Agree with the FDA
Now, I agree with the FDA that chlorine dioxide (MMS) does not cure anything but back then we only knew what we knew, was that people were saying they were cured, and their doctors knew they would put their practice in jeopardy if they uttered the word “cure” in any unauthorized fashion but had to concede that whatever they had been diagnosed with, albeit probably incorrectly, was no longer there.
Cure Control
Back then, my dad continued to record the data and testimonials about the incurable being cured. This caught the attention of the FDA, who may have been tipped off by the pharmaceuticals, and they declared war on my dad and his discovery of MMS and its value as a non-pharmacological health alternative.
All he did was repeat the stories of those who claimed they were “cured,” and it appears that the word cure is legally controlled by the FDA. The FDA launched a media campaign against my father, claiming that he was a snake oil salesman selling bleach as a miracle cure for disease in an effort to bilk the elderly and dying out of their retirements. Which was, of course, ridiculous, and there was little that my father could do to take back the words that he’d already spoken, so he just kept on saying them, even though what really happens is that MMS kills the pathogens, germs, etc. that had been keeping the body from healing itself.
In his defense, it should be noted that chlorine dioxide has been around for a hundred years and is authorized for use commercially and industrially as a biocide, fungicide, bactericide, and virucide, and is known to be the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. It is also the most prevalent chemical used to pre-treat drinking water by municipal water systems around the world. Why? Because it kills even the most hard-to-kill pathogens without causing harm to beneficial human cells.
We’re talking about a product that’s been used and approved and proven over a long period of time as the unsurpassed method of keeping meat, fish, poultry, food, fruit, vegetables, dairy, and beverages free from harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other pathogens, making them safe to eat and drink. It is used in food processing, factories, hospitals, and hospitality every day, yet is outlawed for human consumption by the FDA.
Most of us drink tap or bottled water that has been treated with chlorine dioxide (MMS), and it is available over the counter as water purification drops.
The one use authorized for chlorine dioxide is inexpensively, simply and easily making safe drinking water in the field on demand. It is found in the travel gear of the military, outdoorsmen, travelers, search and rescue, survivalists, and in emergency kits at home, for making otherwise unsafe water safe to drink only.
The most shocking part of this story, and I’m not saying this just because Jim Humble is my dad, is that people who were dying from diseases could only be “officially” offered medical procedures and pharmaceutical medications that the medical community designed to make them more comfortable until they died. Nothing to eradicate the disease.
1 Month to Live
What if you’d been told by your doctor that you have less than one month to live? A recent example would include one of my recent health coaching clients who reported to me that her doctor refused to make another doctor’s appointment with her because she would be dead by the following month. (Boy, is he going to be in for a big surprise.)
All the while, the FDA launches a Witch Hunt targeting my father and spreading false reports of my dad’s elder abuse and telling sick people to drink bleach. For doing what? Telling people that if they are dying, they might want to try purifying their drinking water with a couple drops of chlorine dioxide regularly before they die?
And don’t forget the media scandal when former President Trump suggested trying chlorine dioxide (among other things) as something people might want to consider at the outset of the Coronavirus scare and the following COVID-19 epidemic. The media promptly attacked him shouting, “Trump says to DRINK BLEACH!” OMG. The most rudimentary knowledge of chemistry will reveal that these two molecules are not the same, though chlorine is present in both molecules, and they share a similar scent.

That’s why I have released by book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration. My book includes all the basis put forth by my father, Jim Humble, in his MMS work before he went into hiding, including my latest findings, conclusions, and new current data.
I unashamedly reference dad’s work and even used his nickname for chlorine dioxide, “MMS,” because that is the way that I grew up with chlorine dioxide by referring to it as MMS. Of course, as soon as my book was released, Amazon promptly banned it, just like they have my dad’s book, but it is still available through independent retailers who vow not to be bullied by the FDA.
Who knows what effect drinking water purified with chlorine dioxide might do? It may not cure anything, only purify the body, just like it does water outside the body, ridding it of the harmful bacteria, toxins, and pathogens thar are blocking the body’s natural ability to heal itself. I believe that is all that it does.
We will see.
Cheers, to a long and high-quality lives full of love,
~ Paris Humble