I am a 75-year-old who has been interested in alternative health for over 35 years. I have had an on-and-off problem with irregular and elevated heart rates since my early twenties, which was triggered by many factors such as caffeine, stress, and exercise. Despite trying various remedies, I did not experience any lasting success until I started using chlorine dioxide.
On the fifth day of using chlorine dioxide, I decided to take my blood pressure. To my surprise, my heart rate was 60, which was normal, or even lower than usual. I checked my pulse, and it was steady and strong. Before using chlorine dioxide, I often experienced a high and irregular pulse with a light-headed feeling after working out at the gym. However, after starting the chlorine dioxide water purification drops, I exercised again and found that the problem had cleared. I now have more energy, and my heart rate goes higher than before, which is a good thing. I also sweat more, which is also beneficial. After stopping my workout, my heart rate steadily recovers to the resting heart rate. To me, this is like a miracle.