Chlorine Dioxide Therapy

To think of chlorine dioxide therapy as an appropriate response to disease would appear to be nonsensical to a traditionally educated Western doctor. Yet, there are holistic natural alternative specialists who have their patients and clients drinking, sniffing, spritzing, and rubbing chlorine dioxide all over their bodies and they are witnessing miraculous results from chlorine dioxide therapy.

Brief History of Chlorine Dioxide

It wasn’t that long ago that chlorine dioxide was just a simple but powerful surface disinfectant, medical equipment sanitizer, municipal water treatment chemical, and food bactericide used in processing facilities, produce displays at the supermarket, and in restaurants.

Then chlorine dioxide found its way into the hands of regular ordinary people for use as a water purifier in the field for military personnel, outdoorsmen, campers, and hikers. And was also available for treating swimming pools and hot tubs.

Jim Humble

In 1996, something extraordinary took place. A miner from the USA was in Venezuela with a crew when suddenly his camp came down with a sudden formidable case of malaria. The man, Jim Humble watched as his men were dying. There was no way to get medical assistance deep in the Jungle.

Without medical assistance, the best Humble could do was to try to keep them hydrated and comfortable. He treated the local water, which was questionable at best, with a water purifier and provided the resulting liquid to the men.

Surprisingly, the dying men started to feel better and began to recover from malaria. Not one man was lost, and this appeared to be nothing less than miraculous to Mr. Humble.

After returning to the States, Humble committed himself to delve into this two-part water purifier, chlorine dioxide, to see if it might have far-reaching benefits to the medical community.

Could this inexpensive, simple chemical compound have health benefits beyond sanitization?

What Did Jim Humble Discover?

After years of research and safely testing chlorine dioxide on many volunteers, Jim Humble discovered, just as he had theorized, people with the heretofore treatment-resistant or untreatable disease would ingest a few drops of the chlorine dioxide water purifier and recover, just as the men with malaria had.

I’ve Been Cured!

Most, if not all, of Humble’s volunteers, were claiming miraculous health recovery. Many of them had been told there was no hope for them, they would die from their disease, and that death was the only cure. The best the doctors could do was to treat the symptoms in an attempt to make them comfortable before they reached their life’s end.

Hundreds who experienced full release from their disease, proudly shouted from the rooftops, “I’ve been cured!” Overwhelmed by support and encouragement from the former victims of terminal diseases who claimed their delivery from disease was miraculous, Mr. Humble nicknamed chlorine dioxide as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS for short, and the news spread like wildfire.

Cult Leader Strikes Gold with Bleach

Now, people shouting about a miraculous cure for their terminal disease is not the kind of thing that might be accepted by your family practitioner, and the treating physicians reported the patients and related their stories of “miracle cures” obtained from being told to “drink bleach” from an insane former gold miner turned cult leader. The news spread across media sources that the “gold digger struck gold selling bleach as a cure for terminal disease.”

The MMS Bleach Scam

The next thing you know, the rumors spread about Humble’s bleach healings were a scam to bilk sickly people from their life savings. This and many other false reports of bleach-related healing caught the attention of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, which published statements against drinking bleach, warning to avoid Humble’s insistence to drink chlorine dioxide, an industrial sanitizer to treat or cure any disease.

What is Really Going On?

The truth of it all was that Jim Humble was theorizing, based on his own study and the results of volunteers and their own testimonials, that it was appearing that it might be time to reconsider what the root cause of any disease was.

What Does Chlorine Dioxide Do?

Prior to Humble’s research, it had been clearly established that chlorine dioxide was a powerful method of keeping all kinds of surfaces and equipment free from contaminants and food and water safe to eat and drink.

The American Society of Analytical Chemists summed it up nicely by saying that chlorine dioxide was “the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.” And we know that it has been used industrially as a way to kill all kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. This we know.

What is the Cause of Disease?

Humble’s hypothesis, based on his findings, challenged the very cause of disease. And asked the question,

What if disease was the result of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.?

If this were true, that disease was the result of a virus, bacteria, fungus, etc., then by eliminating the virus, bacteria, fungus, etc., the person who had been diagnosed with the disease might have no disease to treat.

His theory concluded with the idea that if chlorine dioxide could eliminate the cause of the disease, the disease would be eliminated as well. Of course, it would be up to the former sufferer of said disease to continue to heal and make the lifestyle changes that would be helpful in continuing to live a high-quality life disease-free.

Bad News for Big Pharma

Humble’s theory could be bad news for big pharma which makes big money on the treatment of the symptoms of disease and uses this money to manipulate the media, and the government, and basically funds life as we know it in the United States of America. To insinuate that disease could be eliminated by a few drops of inexpensive bleach, would destroy the United States and its economy.

Defamation Campaign

The media was influenced by big pharma to discredit Jim Humble and his ludicrous message about “drinking bleach” in any manner possible, exploiting any word, phrase, appearance, or action made by Jim Humble or his followers. And by now, Humble had given them so much food for fodder.

To protect his project, Humble established a church and designated chlorine dioxide as his church’s sacrament, thereby enabling his followers to use it for religious purposes and seeking protection from the separation of church and state. A long history of keywords had already been passed around the media, such as gold miner, miracle, cure, bleach, scam, prophet, profit, sick and dying, incurable disease, and death. And courtesy of the FDA, you can add “poison” to the mix. All of which makes for fantastic mass headline appeal.

Chlorine Dioxide is Not Bleach

First of all, even though sensationalist media reporters like to claim that Humble is hocking bleach, let it be known, as any chemist would know, that chlorine dioxide is not bleach. Chlorine dioxide is very simply 1 atom of chlorine and 2 atoms of oxygen (ClO2). Bleach, on the other hand, is a concoction consisting of ~3-6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) as its base, to which sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and calcium hypochlorite are added.

Admittedly, in the bleach family, the gas from chlorine dioxide is similar to the smell of bleach which accounts for the confusion.

Preposterous Proportions

The accusations in the media are outlandish in that they suggest that Humble was suggesting that sick people should drink bleach, and made it sound like diseased people should drink bleach right out of the container, which is ridiculous.

Humble only suggested that people take one drop or more of chlorine dioxide (not bleach) in a glass of water, not a high concentration, and certainly not pure chlorine dioxide. The caveat that ‘bleach could kill you” remains true, just as anything could kill you, such as chlorine dioxide, or even water, in amounts that are too large for the human body to tolerate.

Note that no one seems to include in their stories that chlorine dioxide is likely keeping your tap water safe to drink and food safe to eat right now.


Chlorine Dioxide Therapy

For better or for worse, the holistic natural alternative specialists and healers practicing on the fringe of Eastern and folk medicine are incorporating the regular use of chlorine dioxide therapy in their practices. Not as a chlorine dioxide sanitizer, but as a method of killing off viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., that may be affecting the body negatively.

Methods of applying chlorine dioxide (CDS) include diluting at least 1% CDS to 99% water to drink at regular intervals throughout the day, mixing it with a natural penetrant like DMSO for topical application, or even inhale chlorine dioxide gas from freshly combining sodium chlorite and an acid activator (the fastest and least expensive two-part way to make chlorine dioxide on the fly) for respiratory disinfection.

And the Story Continues…

Paris Humble

The next generation of the MMS legacy continues spreading the news about the health benefits of chlorine dioxide. Jim Humble’s daughter, Paris Humble, has released her book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses, Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, instantly banned from and other book retailers. In her presentation of chlorine dioxide, she certainly honors the work of her father and his “MMS.” Though is careful to avoid those things that caused her father so much grief in the media.

She avoids being associated with the aforementioned negative keywords and clearly states,

“Chlorine Dioxide does not treat or cure anything.”

Insisting that the only thing it does is what it does very well; to kill off all kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., in the body, as well as it does outside the body. She adds that doing so allows the body to do what it is designed to do; to heal itself, free from the virus, bacteria, fungus, etc., that is preventing it from properly doing so.


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1 Comment

  1. I have read two different ways of mixing Chlorine Dioxide for consumption for a 4oz cup. One way is to put the drops in distilled water, shake the water around and wait over a minute to drink. Another way is to put the drops in a glass, stir around the drops in a glass until it turns brown, then add the water and drink. Which is correct?

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