6-year Depression Lifted

A young man, 24 years of age, came to me seeking help for his severe depression that had lasted for six years. Despite being a student of engineering at a prestigious university, he was forced to drop out and was experiencing hallucinations. He had visited numerous clinics, hospitals, and natural practitioners across the United States, but only experienced temporary relief before relapsing. His family was at a loss for what to do. When I examined him, I discovered that he could barely get out of bed and slept for most of the day.

I asked him when he had his wisdom teeth removed, and he confirmed that he had undergone the procedure. It was then that I explained to him the common occurrence of forming cavitation in the area that leads to a descent in health. I referred him to a dentist who could clean out the four cavitations and fill them with his own blood fibrin, a procedure that is hard to find. Following the surgery, he started taking chlorine dioxide water purification drops, with 8-10 doses per day, gradually increasing from 4-6 drops per hour over time. DMSO was added to his treatment after a few weeks. After two months, his depression had vanished, and he started working again after years of being unable to. Now, he is faced with the decision of whether to return to college or become a natural health practitioner.