

Acid Reflux







Athlete’s Foot



Back Pain

Bee Sting

Black Mold


Blood Pressure








Cat Scratch Fever



Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Illness

Cold Sores

Common Cold


Crohn’s Disease














Erectile Dysfunction





Food Poisoning




Hashimoto’s Disease


Heavy Metals










Lyme Disease











Spider Bites

Staph Infection

Strep Throat







Chlorine Dioxide FAQ MMS

The following are frequently asked questions about chlorine dioxide also known as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as nicknamed by Jim Humble, the man responsible for introducing this powerful water purifier for purifying the human body as well. chlorine dioxide is not FDA-approved to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease.

Will chlorine dioxide kill Candida?

A germicidal solution has been developed containing chlorine dioxide at an acid PH (lactic acid). The solution gave a complete kill of Staphylococcus aureus; Pseudomonas and Candida albicans spores within 10 minutes.

Does chlorine dioxide have a negative impact on pharmaceutical drugs?

Users content that taking medications and chlorine dioxide should be at alternating intervals, not at the same time. No negative effects have been reported. However, vitamin C does cancel out the chlorine dioxide pathogen-killing power due to its being such a powerful antioxidant.

Can I use chlorine dioxide if I am using natural or herbal treatments?

Users report chlorine dioxide working harmoniously with alternative, natural, and herbal treatments. A good compliment to phytotherapeutic, homeopathic, and alternative medicine treatments in general.

Chlorine dioxide tastes bad. Can I take it in juice?

Chlorine dioxide works best when mixed with pure water. The general caveat is to not mix it with any juice that has any vitamin C content in its ingredients. Unfortunately, most juices have vitamin C added to them during processing or they are mixed with a citrus juice. Since vitamin C nullifies the power of chlorine dioxide, doing so should be avoided if any result is to be expected.

Will chlorine dioxide kill bed bugs?

Chlorine dioxide is effective at killing bedbugs in the laboratory, and similar concentrations of chlorine dioxide gas can be achieved in a room. Chlorine dioxide can be removed from the room without residuals. Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus) have received significant attention because of recent outbreaks.

How long should I use chlorine dioxide?

Until you feel free from the problem that started you on the chlorine dioxide journey. The important thing is to listen to your own body and not act mechanically.

How much chlorine dioxide should I take?

You should probably find a book and follow the instructions that apply to your particular malady, but author Paris Humble, says that 6 and 6 will offer results for most anything. That is using the two-part formula, 6 drops of part 1 and 6 drops of part 2 in 6 ounces of water taken once every hour during waking hours until relief is realized.

Can chlorine dioxide affect blood pressure?

High or low blood pressure is an indication that there is an underlying condition that is causing the blood pressure variance. If chlorine dioxide is able to eliminate the underlying condition, the blood pressure will return to normal.

Does chlorine dioxide kill all parasites?

Typically, chlorine dioxide kills single cell or small parasites. It is not an easy treatment with large multicellular parasites such as ascaris or tapeworms although it helps to reduce symptoms.

Can the intestinal flora be affected by chlorine dioxide?

There is no proof that chlorine dioxide has a negative impact on the intestinal flora. Chlorine dioxide is in the form of a gas dissolved in water and is absorbed from the stomach. It operates by affecting the pH level, and harmful pathogens usually have a more acidic pH level than the other bacteria that are in symbiosis with the body. Even if it does eliminate bacteria, it does not result in an imbalance or toxicity comparable to that caused by antibiotics.

Chlorine dioxide has the same electrical charge as the human body and it’s helpful bacteria, etc. Therefore, it only targets intruders which all have the opposite charge, so it does not disturb the good bugs in our system.

What is the duration of chlorine dioxide?

The longevity of chlorine dioxide is determined by the container and temperature. If stored in a tightly sealed glass container and kept at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it can retain its potency for up to six months. However, it is essential to avoid using metal stoppers or rubber test tubes. Once opened, it should be kept refrigerated. It is crucial to note that chlorine dioxide will lose gas if the container is not filled to the top, similar to how a soda bottle loses fizz after being opened and reclosed.

Does chlorine dioxide offer relief from hypothyroidism?

We have obtained many reports of positive results in hypothyroidism, especially when the user is infected by Candida albicans, a fungus, which is apparently causal in most cases.

Does treat or cure any disease?

No. Chlorine dioxide does not cure any disease. Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens, and viruses, and destroys (oxidizes) poisons. When pathogens, viruses, and poisons in the body are reduced or eliminated, then the body can function properly, and the body can then heal itself.

Can chlorine dioxide kill parasites?

Not only can chlorine dioxide prevent the creation of biofilm, but it can also destroy and eradicate even the thickest and most established biofilm deposits. It also eliminates bacteria, viruses, parasites such as Giardia, and to some extent, even the highly resistant parasite Cryptosporidium.

Are there any side effects of chlorine dioxide?

If a large number of pathogens are eradicated from the body at a pace faster than the body can eliminate the toxins produced by the dead pathogens, it may cause discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, or excessive fatigue. This reaction is known as the Herxheimer reaction, which is common during detoxification programs and the healing process. While the experience may not be pleasant, it typically indicates that the body is healing. Apart from this, getting better is the only side effect. Nonetheless, the goal is not to exacerbate the current symptoms. Moreover, the discomfort associated with the Herxheimer reaction is minor compared to the side effects of chemotherapy and other pharmaceuticals.

For comfort and to slowly feel better don’t kill off too many bugs at once – even start with 1/2 drops.

Do I need to follow a special diet while taking chlorine dioxide?

When taking chlorine dioxide, it is advisable to consume light meals during specific hours. Some foods and drinks, such as alcohol, chocolate milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice, or any beverages with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), should be avoided.

Does chlorine dioxide kill bacteria and viruses?

While antibacterial medications may be effective in treating bacterial infections, there is currently no medication capable of halting viral infections. Fortunately, chlorine dioxide has demonstrated the ability to eradicate both bacterial and viral diseases.

Which are the most common applications using chlorine dioxide for water disinfection?

Chlorine dioxide is frequently employed in water treatment for various purposes, including potable water, swimming pools and water parks, food and beverage processing, cooling towers, utility water, and wastewater treatment.

Will chlorine dioxide kill fleas?

Chlorine dioxide is used to eradicate microscopic parasites that live on the surface of warm-blooded hosts, including birds and mammals, like fleas on a cat or dog.

How to use chlorine dioxide with DMSO? I wonder how the DMSO is used exactly, since DMSO is external and chlorine dioxide is internal.

According to Jim Humble the grandfather of the usage of chlorine dioxide in the treatment of various human ailments, who subsequently nicknamed chlorine dioxide as MMS, reports that using DMSO in conjunction with MMS is recommended for certain ailments as noted in his book, “The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.” Likewise, Paris Humble, author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, and Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D., author of DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans Recipes & Treatment, concur. Methods of use cited include combining both DMSO and chlorine dioxide to apply externally or take internally as well.

Does chlorine dioxide affect chemotherapy?

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy report that chlorine dioxide helps them lower the toxic side effects from chemotherapy making it more tolerable.

When is chlorine dioxide the preferred choice for disinfection?

chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant, best utilized in systems with surface germs and biofilms. Chlorine dioxide removes biofilms and inactivates germs by destroying cell walls. Furthermore, the oxidation and disinfection capabilities of chlorine dioxide are independent of the pH of the water across a wide range. Chlorine dioxide can be used effectively in water with a pH of 6 to 9.

Will chlorine dioxide interfere with my metal prosthesis?

Chlorine dioxide released into the body does not affect prosthetic alloys. The materials used in the prostheses are extremely unalterable.

Can I use chlorine dioxide if I have mercury fillings?

Yes, you can take chlorine dioxide. However, you should not forget that mercury fillings are harmful to health and should be removed as soon as possible.

Will chlorine dioxide be incompatible with my contraceptive IUD?

It does not affect the IUD. Note also that chlorine dioxide is spermicidal and works to some extent as a contraceptive if you douche immediately after intercourse. In addition, it strongly prevents sexually transmitted infections.

What if I have a metal heart valve? Can I use chlorine dioxide?

Heart patients with metal valves have had no complaints when using chlorine dioxide. If you are taking Sintrom, Warfarin, or Coumadin, the recommended dose may be lower. Caution is advised.

Can I go to jail for using chlorine dioxide?

This question is probably based on the news reports of those who have been charged with crimes and jailed with respect to their involvement with chlorine dioxide. These people were arrested based on extenuating circumstances, such as continuing to sell chlorine dioxide as a health supplement or continuing to promote it as such after being served a cease and desist order by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

You, as an American, living in the USA, are still able to do whatever you want as a free citizen, as long as it doesn’t interfere with anyone else unless you’ve been served a legal notice to stop. If you continue, you may be held accountable by the authorities.

Therefore, if you are using chlorine dioxide in any way not consistent with its labeling, this is not recommended, and you may be at risk. Doing so is not advised.

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not assessed these statements that are offered as information only. Chlorine dioxide or MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is not FDA-approved to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. Chlorine is recognized as a powerful biocide and is approved for use in the purification of drinking water. Chlorine Dioxide Solution, also known as MMS (Master Mineral Solution), comprises 28% Sodium Chlorite (22.4% Sodium Chlorite, 5.6% Inert Salts, and the remainder water) and an acid activator, typically 50% Citric Acid.

If you don’t see your question above, ask your question in the box that follows.

Targeted Topical Application of Chlorine Dioxide using DMSO

I often get asked about the targeted topical application of chlorine dioxide. Unless your intention is only to treat the top few layers of skin, you will need to add DMSO to the chlorine dioxide prior to application. If the area that you are targeting is specific and you know its location, the general rule is to apply a mixture of chlorine dioxide with DMSO and apply it to the area. The greatest effects are realized by extending the topical application to include the neighboring 3 to 5 inches around the targeted area.

Simply rub your chlorine dioxide/DMSO mixture on and around the area you want to treat. Keep rubbing until the liquid is completely absorbed or after 7 minutes, wipe off any excess liquid. Some people with sensitive skin may experience an itching or burning sensation similar to that of a sunburn.

Sensitive Sunburn Reaction

After ten minutes from the initial application or 3 additional minutes following the 7-minute application, you may apply any natural moisturizing skin treatment to soothe the application area. You can do this for as long as necessary to feel relief. Just make sure you cleanse the area with natural soap and water, ensuring the area is free from any residual ointment or soap before making another topical application.

What’s Happening?

The chlorine dioxide mixes seamlessly with the DMSO. DMSO is a penetrant solution when applied topically takes whatever it is combined with through the protective layers of the skin, throughout the tissue, bone, and bloodstream.

According to author Herb Roi Richards, PhD in his book, DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans: Recipes & Treatment, DMSO penetrates all skin, tissue, blood, and brain barriers with more accuracy than injections when applied topically. Hospitals insist on only delivering via IV intravenous drip only because that is where the money is, according to the author.

Imagine what you could do, if you could use a simple DIY topical penetrant to absorb any substance with greater accuracy than an IV drip and do it yourself. It makes you wonder why the medical community is not telling you about that, even though the answer is obvious.

Be Careful

This is why you must be careful when using DMSO with chlorine dioxide, or anything for that matter. Because it will mix with pretty much anything it touches and administer it to the body via topical penetration.

That’s why you apply with only clean hands, not gloves. Because the DMSO will treat the glove material, whatever the gloves are made of, and deliver it via the body’s target area to not only the area of the body but into the bloodstream as well.

This applies to anything that touches the application area, clothes, ointments, perfume, residual lotions or soap. Anything. That’s why we say, apply to cleaned area of skin, free from dirt, or soap residue, with clean and dry hands, also free from dirt, soap residue, or anything else, including gloves.

Alternatively, you could use a chlorine dioxide and DMSO patch to apply to the area.

How to Make a Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO Patch

    1. Activate 5 drops of chlorine dioxide with 10 drops of 50% citric acid in a dry, clean glass bowl.
    2. Wait 30 seconds
    3. Add 10 drops of purified water
    4. Mix in 5 drops of DMSO
    5. Pour MMS/DMSO solution onto and allow it to be absorbed by a cotton gauze pad
    6. Cover the target area with the patch and hold it in place for seven minutes
    7. Remove the patch following seven minutes to check for reactions of the skin. If negative reactions are present (burning or itching) reduce the mixture by 50%. Reapply and check after another seven minutes.
    8. If the dose can be tolerated without a negative reaction, hold the next patch in place for a full 15 minutes.
    9. Repeat applying fresh patches every 15 minutes.

Caution: Avoid using tape to hold the patch in place as it may react with the DMSO and pull the glue into your body.

If negative side effects such as irritation to the skin is present when applying the chlorine dioxide and DMSO Patch, dilute the chlorine dioxide/DMSO solution by adding 10 drops of purified water. Continue dilution by adding 10 drops of purified water to the mixture until the concentration can be tolerated without negative side effects.

Additional patches or larger patches will require greater amounts of chlorine dioxide/DMSO solution which can be made based on the area addressed.

MMS Protocols 1000 Plus 3000 CDS Chlorine Dioxide

My dad, Jim Humble is the one responsible for uncovering the health benefits that had been hidden away from the general public for seventy years. Regardless of all the FDA and pharmaceutical power and resources spent in the efforts to silence his voice, millions of people have recovered their health by using chlorine dioxide water purification drops. He nicknamed them Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS for short in 1996, and the name stuck.

His favorite and the most renowned protocol released by my dad, is what he calls, Protocol 1000. It has become the standard treatment regimen for just about anything. It is easy to remember and perform and nothing is more effective at eliminating the microorganisms and toxins that could be blocking the human body from healing itself of everything from aches and pains to chronic and deadly diseases than anything I’ve ever heard of.

These protocols are based on the two-part chlorine dioxide water purification drops.

MMS Protocol 1000

Here is how to conduct my dad’s MMS Protocol 1000

MMS Protocol 1000 involves taking three drops of MMS or chlorine dioxide water purification drops every hour for eight hours at a minimum.

To get to Protocol 1000, you don’t just start at three drops per hour. You start at one drop and work your way up to three drops.

MMS Protocol 1000 should be continued for three weeks, or until you feel healthy again.

Many report stellar results with just one to two drops per hour, so it may not be necessary to build up to three drops.

Protocol 1000 should not be started without first completing How to Start Using Chlorine Dioxide or MMS for Health. It is best to start slowly and build up to three drops per hour over several days.

When adding an additional drop to your current regimen, only increase it when you feel comfortable and ready. To avoid asking the question, “Why might I feel ill from using chlorine dioxide or MMS?” If you experience a negative reaction, cut your current dose in half until you are able to stabilize.

Over the course of three weeks (21 days), consume your MMS solution every hour for eight hours.

You may experience mild diarrhea while eliminating the exterminated pathogens, but if it becomes bothersome or you experience nausea or vomiting, cut your MMS drops in half until you feel better.

In the event that your health concerns improve prior to 21 days of MMS Protocol 1000, it is recommended that you continue your MMS regimen for the remainder of the three-week period to ensure full detoxification and elimination of extricated pathogens.

MMS Protocol 1000 Plus

In my dad’s MMS Protocol 1000 Plus, DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is added to every serving of MMS solution.

In a clean, dry glass, mix one to two ounces of water with one to three activated drops of MMS or chlorine dioxide (or whatever level of drops you were using prior to starting Protocol 1000 Plus). Then,

For every drop of activated MMS or chlorine dioxide, add 3 drops of DMSO.

After mixing, drink within one minute

Make another new two-ounce batch and take the combined MMS or chlorine dioxide and DMSO mixture every hour.

Again, start at whatever amount of MMS or chlorine dioxide that you are comfortable with. If you are only at one drop, then start MMS Protocol 1000 Plus with one drop of activated MMS or chorine dioxide and three drops of DMSO.

Regularly review your progress and consider adding another drop to your regimen until you reach three drops per hour of MMS with nine drops of DMSO.

Over the course of three weeks (21 days), drink your MMS or chlorine dioxide and DMSO mixture every hour for eight hours.

Precautions for DMSO

If adding three drops of DMSO causes negative side effects, decrease the amount to two drops of DMSO to every drop of activated MMS or chlorine dioxide. If negative reactions persist, reduce the mixture to one-to-one. When you experience negative reactions after reducing to a one-to-one ratio, stop adding DMSO for 24 hours, then add a single drop. If the reaction is negative, take another 24-hour break, and try again.

MMS Protocol 3000

My dad’s MMS Protocol 3000 is a method of delivering MMS or chlorine dioxide via DMSO to the specific site to be treated topically.

When MMS or chlorine dioxide and DMSO are combined, it gives the user the ability to apply the mixture topically and the DMSO or chlorine dioxide through the protective layers of skin to the area that needs to be tended to.

According to author Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D., this also administers MMS or chlorine dioxide directly into the bloodstream with all the efficacy of an IV, without having to pierce the skin,

MMS Protocol 3000 uses 10 drops of Part 1 and 10 drops of Part 2 combined and is allowed to activate for 30 seconds as its base.

Add 20 drops of water.

Conduct a skin application test of this concentration. If it causes a negative reaction on the skin (burning, stinging, itching), add more water to decrease the concentration so that it can be used without causing a reaction.

Mix the 10 activated MMS/chlorine dioxide with 20 drops of water with one teaspoon of DMSO.

Spread this mixture on and around the desired site of topical application with clean, water-rinsed hands, making sure not to use gloves and that hands are free from fragrance or other contaminating residues.

You can treat the entire by applying to alternating limbs, with a new batch, one every hour for eight hours. For example, the left arm, then the right arm, followed by the left leg, then the right leg over four hours, then repeat the cycle over the next four hours.

1 hour after your final application of the day, you can take a water-only shower.

Conduct MMS Protocol 3000 over the next three days. The DMSO solution may cause dry skin, so take a break for one-to-four days, whatever length of time is needed to recover from the dry skin.

After your initial three days and one-to-four-day break, you can resume applications in like manner every other day, or more frequently if you have less skin sensitivity and don’t suffer from skin reactions.

Let your skin tell you how often you can administer MMS Protocol 3000. If you can tolerate it every day, fine. If you have sensitive skin and need a few days off in between applications, then take the time off that you need, then start again.

For more information about DMSO, check out, DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans Recipes & Treatment by Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D. and available on Amazon.com.

CDS Protocol

The CDS Protocol uses Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) or CDS 3000 PPM, created by infusing pure or distilled water with the gas from activated drops of chlorine dioxide.

To conduct the CDS Protocol, 1 liter of water should be mixed with 2 teaspoons of CDS 3000.

CDS/water should be consumed in 8 to 12 servings throughout the day, or once every hour.

The dose may be increased to 4 teaspoons per liter of water per day of CDS 3000 PPM to treat life-threatening diseases.

Until you feel fully recovered, continue daily treatment.

Note that if you are new to MMS, start slow, like half a teaspoon, and work your way up to 2 teaspoons of CDS 3000 PPM slowly as you become more confident and do not suffer adverse reactions.

In this procedure you are not ingesting any citrus acid or sodium chlorite, so much higher doses of chlorine dioxide can be tolerated and ingested by the body in CDS form. Although you should still be cautious, the body waste system will still need to dispose of dead bugs and neutralized toxic matter.

You can find out more about the health benefits of MMS and chlorine dioxide by getting a copy of my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, by me, Paris Humble.

Feel free to leave any comments you have below.


How to Remove Mold and Fungus

The mold and fungus removal process targets mold and/or fungi deep inside your biology, acting as a protective barrier, shielding the pathogens inside you from being affected by chlorine dioxide or MMS.

Regardless of what climate you are in, you can be exposed to a wide variety of molds, some of which can attach themselves to your body either internally or externally and make you very ill or come and go without you even realizing it. A mold can hibernate inside you for a lifetime undetected and cause havoc with your body without anyone realizing it.

Mold is a type of fungus, and some are able to withstand chlorine dioxide, while others aren’t. Bentonite clay or Pascalite brand calcium‐bentonite clay has proven an effective means of demolishing and expelling mold and/or fungus quickly and conveniently. Thus, it has become a traditional bridge material in chlorine dioxide used for health to prevent any fungal problems that might obstruct your body’s capacity for optimizing the advantages of chlorine dioxide.

Tests for Chlorine Dioxide Fungus

There are three tests, which when performed are clear indicators that you may have (possibly otherwise undetected) issues with mold or fungus. It might surprise you that most, if not all, people have undetected mold and/or fungus throughout their bodies inhibiting their health.

Test for Chlorine Dioxide Skin Fungus

A negative reaction to a diluted chlorine dioxide solution sprayed on the body, such as itching, burning, or some other painful reaction, indicates there is mold or fungus in your skin layers.

Oral Fungus Test with Chlorine Dioxide

If chlorine dioxide is taken orally and pain or burning sensations are felt in the mouth area, rinse the mouth with cool, clean water to minimize the reaction, which indicates fungal issues in the mouth.

Internal Fungus Test with Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide ingested in combination with stomach pain, heartburn, or other internal pain is likely a sign that the fungus is alive and well.

There are several names for bentonite clay, including Pascalite Bentonite Clay (the choice of many MMS users), Montmorillonite clay, or Aztec clay. The Montmorillonite brand from Wyoming is my personal favorite montmorillonite clay. Native Americans have used it for centuries.

Clay has been used for 1000s of years without ill effects, and as we and many others have found, it is a valuable tool in the chlorine dioxide/MMS solution. Therefore, we have included its use in the chlorine dioxide toolkit in the following system.

Internal Mold/Fungus Removal

You should not attempt or complete chlorine dioxide removal of mold or fungus before attempting and/or completing How to Start Using Chlorine Dioxide for Health. As part of the chlorine dioxide continuum, chlorine dioxide is not intended to eliminate mold or fungus from someone’s biological system as a stand-alone treatment.

The Mold/Fungus Removal Process begins after day four of the start of using chlorine dioxide for health.

You will need to insert chlorine dioxide or MMS in this phase if you are visiting the mold/fungus removal process from some other regimen of chlorine dioxide use. Take note of how many drops of chlorine dioxide or MMS you are taking in your current regimen.

The Mold/Fungus Removal Process

As you begin the Mold/Fungus Removal Process, reduce your chlorine dioxide or MMS consumption, but be aware of which level you left off at, so that you can pick up where you left off.

Preparation and Use of Clay

On the first day, Stir a one-half level teaspoon of clay into one-half cup of water while stirring. Drink while still swirling from the stirring action, because clay settles quickly. Swishing in the mouth before swallowing is also a good idea.

On the first day, every two hours, you will take a one-half level teaspoon of clay five times at two-hour intervals throughout the day.

On the second day, one hour after the first one-half level teaspoon of clay, take a serving of the same number of drops of chlorine dioxide or MMS as you did before starting the internal mold/fungus removal program.

For the remaining alternating hours take one level teaspoon of clay to one-half cup of water every other hour, and one serving of chlorine dioxide or MMS the next alternating hour for the remaining four hours of day two.

On the third day, continue taking a one-level teaspoon of clay and one serving of chlorine dioxide or MMS on alternating hours.

On the fourth and final day, continue to take chlorine dioxide and MMS every hour and one tablespoon mixed with the chlorine dioxide every other hour, alternating the clay every other hour over the eight-hour day.

Surface Skin Treatment to Remove Mold and Fungus

Mix equal parts of bentonite clay with your choice of olive oil, coconut oil, or Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. Smooth a layer of the mixture over the affected area and wrap it with a gauze bandage. Allow working for four hours.

Wash and replace the mixture and new gauze bandage every four hours until the fungus issue is resolved.

Avoid using fragrance-scented soaps for washing in between dressings as they may complicate your problem-solving efforts. My favorite is Miracle II Soap, with no fragrance or soap residue.



Why Might I Feel Ill From Using Chlorine Dioxide or MMS?

Why might I feel ill when using chlorine dioxide or MMS? You might be experiencing a physiological reaction when taking chlorine dioxide or MMS (my father’s abbreviation for his nickname for chlorine dioxide which is short for Miracle Mineral Solution) based on your sensitivity and/or possessing a higher-than-normal amount of toxicity in your body.

Chlorine dioxide is world renowned for being the most powerful pathogen-killing agent known to man. When you start putting it inside your body, it starts killing pathogens in your body right away, which creates waste that must find its way out of your body. If there are a normal amount of pathogens in your body, the waste will not be too great to allow it to break down naturally and send it packing via your endocrine system.

If your body is heavily laden with pathogens, too much waste will be created which will cause you to feel ill. A heavy flood of formerly toxic waste material will create an emergent reaction in your body as it tries to excrete the waste in any way possible.

This will cause nausea, headaches, stomach cramps, and possibly diarrhea, or vomiting. Unpleasant to say the least. This can be avoided by keeping in touch with your body, and noticing how it is reacting to the killing of pathogens based on the amount of chlorine dioxide or MMS that you just took.

See: How to Start Using Chlorine Dioxide or MMS

Why might I feel ill?

Unfortunately, people may have heard about chlorine dioxide or MMS, and tried a portion that may have been too large for their physiology’s capability to handle it (I have heard of people who have started with as many as fifteen drops, which could be very exciting to the body all at once), and they get sick, may throw up, or have a case of the runs.

These people will let their fear get the best of them at the first sign of anything less than desirable, spit it out and stop taking chlorine dioxide or MMS. And that is the end of it.

In addition, there is this issue of trying to engage in a chlorine dioxide regime that is simply too aggressive. Let’s face it, prior to taking MMS, you have no idea what to expect.

You must allow your body time to remove residue left behind by pathogens that are being annihilated in your body.

Aside from vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and exhaustion, there are also possible other discomforts associated with the body’s inability to keep up with the natural elimination process of so many dead pathogens because chlorine dioxide is very effective.

You can start by adding as little as one-fourth of a drop of activated MMS solution to your water in the first few days to get started. You need to start slowly and safely here, then increase the amount of chlorine dioxide or MMS solution until you are able to tolerate a full drop, then move on from there.

If you are confident enough or the results are flattening out after a few days, you might be ready to add more drops.

One-fourth of a drop of MMS may seem insignificant to you, but if your body is heavily loaded with toxins and pathogens, 1/4 drop may be enough to remove all the waste.

This is the key to success with Chlorine Dioxide treatments. If you can tolerate the drops (less pathogens to kill), you increase slowly. If you go too fast, you will experience intense flu-like symptoms. Even though I could not handle these flu-like symptoms well, others did, especially since it greatly reduced their ailments. It was worth the trade, as they felt better than worse. Listen to your body, as I mentioned once before.

If you have more than one disease at a time, you have almost certainly got Lyme disease, even if you haven’t been bitten by a mosquito. Lyme disease is highly contagious, just like its parent disease, Syphilis.

By following the Phases in my book, you will gain more confidence in the miracles of the body.

You can learn more about using chlorine dioxide and MMS for health reasons beyond just purifying water by checking out my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration by Paris Humble. It is available in some independent bookstores, but not on Amazon, where it has been banned.

You Might Want to Get Sick Quickly to Be Done With It

Once you are comfortable with using chlorine dioxide or MMS, you may welcome the side effects. For instance,

I came down with a nasty case of food poisoning from eating bad shrimp. I knew what I had and I knew what to do about it. I took a rather aggressive amount of chlorine dioxide and suffered the consequences of it. It made me sick and I expelled material from my stomach and bowels. The calm healing results were felt within moments of passing that threshold. To me, the benefits outweigh the sacrifice, knowing that I would make myself ill in that manner.

I also considered it convenient, because I could have been sick for days, or could have suffered an episode in a public place which could have been humiliating. In this manner, I was able to manage my illness on my own terms, with a pleasant result.



How to Start Using Chlorine Dioxide or MMS for Health

If you’ve heard me or my father speak about using chlorine dioxide or MMS for reasons other than just purifying water, your probably wondering how to start using chlorine dioxide of MMS for health.

First off, if you are using the two-part water purification drops that are readily available at outdoor sports stores, you understand that you will be using an equal number of drops from Part 1 and Part 2 and allowing them to activate for 30 seconds to make chlorine dioxide, then adding an amount of water to the mix.

Briefly, to prevent having an inconvenient first experience with chlorine dioxide, you should start with the first phase of the healthy alternative chlorine dioxide uses. This will prevent you from taking too much at one time.

Be aware of how your body reacts when starting this regimen, if at any time you begin to experience ill side effects from, taking chlorine dioxide or MMS, do not stop taking it. Instead, cut your portion in half. Notice how your body is reacting to the half portion. If you are still experiencing uncomfortable ill effects, cut it in half again. Reduce your portion until it is tolerable, then slowly increase your portion until you get back to the portion you expected to be at, then pick up where you left off.

Plagued by Fungus or Mold?

If you are dealing with mold or fungus issues inside your body, you might need to interrupt your chlorine dioxide or MMS regimen to take care of the mold or fungus first, then restart taking chlorine dioxide or MMS. Click for Mold or Fungus Removal

Day 1

Start your first day by taking one quarter (1/4th) of a drop of chlorine dioxide. To do so, mix 1 drop of Part 1 and 1 drop of Part 2 water purification drops in a clean dry glass and swirl the glass so they mix together. Monitor the drops while they activate for 30 seconds. You know they are activated if the clear liquids are turning a yellowish/brown color and you can smell the scent of chlorine. After 30 seconds, you have created chlorine dioxide or one drop of MMS from the water purification drops.

Add four ounces (1/2 cup) of pure or distilled water to the glass with the activated drops. Pour one-fourth of the mixture or one ounce into another glass. You now have a glass with 1/4th of a drop in it. Add more water to taste, if you like.

Discard the unused 3 ounces of the mixture. Why? Because once you have created chlorine dioxide or MMS, it begins to lose its pathogen-killing power. After an hour it will be useless. Note: Do not pour unused portions down the drain if you have a septic system.

Do this every hour over the next 8 hours, making a new batch every hour.

Days 2 and 3

On the second and third days, take one half drop every hour for 8 hours. Just like above, activate 1 drop of Part 1 and Part 2 for thirty seconds in a clean dry glass, add four ounces of pure or distilled water, and allow to activate for thirty seconds. Only this time pour off one-half of a cup or two ounces of the solution into another glass.

Add water to taste, and discard the unused portion (2 ounces).

Day 4

On day four take 3/4 a drop every hour for 8 hours. Just like above, activate 1 drop of Part 1 and Part 2 for thirty seconds in a clean dry glass, add four ounces of pure or distilled water, and allow to activate for thirty seconds. Only this time pour off three-fourths of a cup or three ounces of the solution into another glass.

Add water to taste, and discard the unused portion (1 ounce).

Day 5

On day 5 you will be moving to an hourly regular measure of chlorine dioxide of MMS, assuming that no negative effects have occurred that have required you to first cut the dose in half,

If you have taken chlorine dioxide before, and have experience with it, but haven’t taken it daily for at least six months, you could try the accelerated start-up method.

Accelerated Chlorine Dioxide MMS Start-Up

Day 1

For the first four hours of the first day, take 1/4 drop of chlorine dioxide or MMS (see how to make 1/4 drop above) using the two-part chlorine dioxide water purification drops that are available from any outdoor sports supplier.

For the next four hours of the first day, take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide or MMS (see how to make 1/2 drop above)

Day 2

For the first four hours on the second day, take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide or MMS (see how to make 1/2 drop above)

For the next four hours of the first day, take 3/4 drop of chlorine dioxide or MMS (see how to make 3/4 drop above)

Day 3

On day 3 of the accelerated method, you will be moving to an hourly regular measure of chlorine dioxide of MMS, assuming that no negative effects have occurred that have required you to first cut the dose in half,

Monitor your progress as you use chlorine dioxide. Should you notice any signs of mold or fungal problems that suggest a need to reduce the chlorine dioxide/MMS proportions in half, switch to the mold and fungus routine.

Click here for, “Why might I feel ill?”

Click here for “Regular Hourly/Daily Chlorine Dioxide/MMS Portions.”

For more information on how to use chlorine dioxide or MMS, please pick up a copy of my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration by Paris Humble. It may be difficult to get as it has been banned by Amazon.

Many people have tried taking 15 activated drops in their first dose and although they became unwell afterward, it was a worthwhile trade-off as malaria is such a serious illness. As Lyme disease is much more of a slow-progressing condition, this kind of approach shouldn’t be taken with it.

My friend Roi Richards has written an excellent book, ‘How I Kicked Chronic Lyme Disease in One Year for Pennies‘, which I recommend to anyone who believes or has been diagnosed with this designer label of Lyme disease; it provides comprehensive guidance on the subject that’s easy to read and understand.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS and My Dad Jim Humble

My dad called chlorine dioxide Miracle Mineral Solution for a reason; MMS is an effective way to purify the body with Chlorine Dioxide. This product has long been used as a water purifier, but now it can be employed in a safe and healthy way to rid the body of bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals, along with all of the waste materials and dead pathogens’ bodies that accumulate in our system. By combatting these issues, we enable our body to function properly, allowing it to ultimately heal itself naturally.

According to the American Society of Analytical Chemists, chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer on earth.


In my dad’s book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium by Jim Humble, he explains how he uses Chlorine Dioxide to remove body pollution and to heal the body.

As a result of this knowledge, you will feel confident in this remarkable MMS healing method. As a result of these protocols, millions of lives have been saved to date. While mining in the Amazon Basin of Guyana in 1996, my dad came across this remarkable MMS healing method, on the Northeast Coast of South America, it is just south of Venezuela.

For over two decades, my dad has been refining and perfecting his formulas, garnering lots of positive feedback for its results. He discovered that only 4 hours is all it takes to get rid of Malaria – an incredible feat. Moreover, people have shared countless stories about how this book has helped them in their journey to better health – even those with no other solutions. It’s no wonder that its use has spread across millions of individuals by word-of-mouth alone!

My dad’s altruistic dream ultimately was realized through his tireless efforts and sheer dedication. After devoting a considerable number of years and lots of hard work, he perfected a straightforward but efficient set of formulas that, when put into practice correctly, have had amazing outcomes for most. He used to say with MMS as part of their treatment that 90% of all hospitalized patients could recuperate within three months. No wonder healthcare professionals’ reactions to chlorine dioxide have been so unfavorable, yet we do not hear a peep when it comes to salt which also contains chlorine in its composition.

I have decided to explain these simple profound steps to you, the public, in my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration. If you are ready for health, and whether or not you have exhausted all other avenues, you may very well find your success in these pages. Before even trying any other drastic medical measure, many have performed these successful procedures, with tremendous success.

You will find periodic redundancy in my book designed for those who have a tendency to skim through a resource, only to focus on the part that they find of importance at the time. Although I ask readers to read the entire book before proceeding, many do not do so. I think this makes it more accessible for the average reader.

It is my hope that this information, including the details and caveats, will be as accessible and useful to you as it has been to me and more than 15 million others.

This book and water purification drops, also known as MMS, should be in every emergency kit and medicine cabinet. It has saved me and countless others much pain, money, and medical expenses.

The world agrees that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful water purification compound on the planet. And since the human body is about 80% water. Why shouldn’t that water be purified?

~Paris Humble

Paris Humble

What I Learned from My Dad Jim Humble and MMS

I learned a lot about chlorine dioxide from my father and after I ventured out on my own as a Health Coach, I continued to study chlorine dioxide which he nicknamed MMS (short for Miracle Mineral Solution). I also learned a great deal about how the world works behind the scenes to keep people from thinking about non-pharmacological health alternatives that have been used for a hundred years with great success at any cost.

I have seen my dad so excited to share the results of his research and experiments. I’ve seen thousands of people so grateful for receiving a new lease on life. These were people with chronic incurable diseases that were killing them, and the medical doctors could offer little or no hope for a higher quality of life. In some cases, doctors could provide prescriptions for medications that could make life a little more tolerable until they died. That is all.

Unfortunately, my dad believed and quoted them when they told him that MMS cured them of their uncurable deadly diseases. When these people went to their doctors, the doctors said one of two things, either their disease was misdiagnosed, and a few of them said it could have been a spontaneous remission (or miracle) and noted that though it is very rare, it happens. They verified that the patients were no longer testing positive for the disease as X-rays and labs were coming up clean, and not one of them would give credit to MMS for curing anything.

You might think of this as just random results, but when my dad received the same reports from every individual, that makes you believe you’re really onto something of huge significance. That’s 100%, not freak accidents, not random.

I think anyone, even you, would be enthusiastic about getting the word out if you’d discovered something simple and inexpensive that could help sick and dying people feel hopeful, happy, and excited about living long happy lives. Anyone would. It certainly changed everything I knew about the world.

I Agree with the FDA

Now, I agree with the FDA that chlorine dioxide (MMS) does not cure anything but back then we only knew what we knew, was that people were saying they were cured, and their doctors knew they would put their practice in jeopardy if they uttered the word “cure” in any unauthorized fashion but had to concede that whatever they had been diagnosed with, albeit probably incorrectly, was no longer there.

Cure Control

Back then, my dad continued to record the data and testimonials about the incurable being cured. This caught the attention of the FDA, who may have been tipped off by the pharmaceuticals, and they declared war on my dad and his discovery of MMS and its value as a non-pharmacological health alternative.

All he did was repeat the stories of those who claimed they were “cured,” and it appears that the word cure is legally controlled by the FDA. The FDA launched a media campaign against my father, claiming that he was a snake oil salesman selling bleach as a miracle cure for disease in an effort to bilk the elderly and dying out of their retirements. Which was, of course, ridiculous, and there was little that my father could do to take back the words that he’d already spoken, so he just kept on saying them, even though what really happens is that MMS kills the pathogens, germs, etc. that had been keeping the body from healing itself.

In his defense, it should be noted that chlorine dioxide has been around for a hundred years and is authorized for use commercially and industrially as a biocide, fungicide, bactericide, and virucide, and is known to be the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. It is also the most prevalent chemical used to pre-treat drinking water by municipal water systems around the world. Why? Because it kills even the most hard-to-kill pathogens without causing harm to beneficial human cells.

We’re talking about a product that’s been used and approved and proven over a long period of time as the unsurpassed method of keeping meat, fish, poultry, food, fruit, vegetables, dairy, and beverages free from harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other pathogens, making them safe to eat and drink. It is used in food processing, factories, hospitals, and hospitality every day, yet is outlawed for human consumption by the FDA.

Most of us drink tap or bottled water that has been treated with chlorine dioxide (MMS), and it is available over the counter as water purification drops.

The one use authorized for chlorine dioxide is inexpensively, simply and easily making safe drinking water in the field on demand. It is found in the travel gear of the military, outdoorsmen, travelers, search and rescue, survivalists, and in emergency kits at home, for making otherwise unsafe water safe to drink only.


The most shocking part of this story, and I’m not saying this just because Jim Humble is my dad, is that people who were dying from diseases could only be “officially” offered medical procedures and pharmaceutical medications that the medical community designed to make them more comfortable until they died. Nothing to eradicate the disease.

1 Month to Live

What if you’d been told by your doctor that you have less than one month to live? A recent example would include one of my recent health coaching clients who reported to me that her doctor refused to make another doctor’s appointment with her because she would be dead by the following month. (Boy, is he going to be in for a big surprise.)

All the while, the FDA launches a Witch Hunt targeting my father and spreading false reports of my dad’s elder abuse and telling sick people to drink bleach. For doing what? Telling people that if they are dying, they might want to try purifying their drinking water with a couple drops of chlorine dioxide regularly before they die?

And don’t forget the media scandal when former President Trump suggested trying chlorine dioxide (among other things) as something people might want to consider at the outset of the Coronavirus scare and the following COVID-19 epidemic. The media promptly attacked him shouting, “Trump says to DRINK BLEACH!” OMG. The most rudimentary knowledge of chemistry will reveal that these two molecules are not the same, though chlorine is present in both molecules, and they share a similar scent.

And I have to say, I think this is a huge injustice that is still ongoing today.

Banned by Amazon

That’s why I have released by book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration. My book includes all the basis put forth by my father, Jim Humble, in his MMS work before he went into hiding, including my latest findings, conclusions, and new current data.

I unashamedly reference dad’s work and even used his nickname for chlorine dioxide, “MMS,” because that is the way that I grew up with chlorine dioxide by referring to it as MMS. Of course, as soon as my book was released, Amazon promptly banned it, just like they have my dad’s book, but it is still available through independent retailers who vow not to be bullied by the FDA.

Who knows what effect drinking water purified with chlorine dioxide might do? It may not cure anything, only purify the body, just like it does water outside the body, ridding it of the harmful bacteria, toxins, and pathogens thar are blocking the body’s natural ability to heal itself. I believe that is all that it does.

We will see.

Cheers, to a long and high-quality lives full of love,

~ Paris Humble


Chlorine Dioxide Videos

International Dioxcide – ERCOPure™: ClO2 Chemistry – The Full Story


ISIA Chlorine Dioxide – The safest and most efficient water treatment


Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry


Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide The CNN Reports on Chlorine dioxide gas actively destroying odor!


Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) has a wide variety of applications for commercial & residential biosecurity


Poultry and Pig Chlorine Dioxide Water Treatment
